How a spy blackmail by the naked pictures ?



     Seeing the invisible
Visual surveillance is carried out by trained intelligence officers. They learn to use their eyes and cameras to collect intelligence, or for gathering information to blackmail their enemies. They use technology to make their vision keener. Magnifying lenses give a closer view of private scenes, while some night- vision equipment makes photography possible even in a candle-lit bedroom. However, the clearest pictures do not guarantee the success of a surveillance mission. When spies secretly photographed a Western diplomat with his girlfriend, they were sure they could use the pictures for blackmail .They met the diplomat and threatened to send the pictures to his wife. His shameless response shocked them. "What wonderful shots!" he exclaimed and put down his Cartier buffs glasses . "Can you make me copies?"

Sometimes spy agencies make use of commercially available equipment such as this high-resolution 35 mm camera with zoom lenses. The surveillance specialist photographs targets from long-distance either from a fixed observation post (OP) such as an apartment window or roof top, or a mobile OP (a car, or on foot). The purpose of a surveillance photo is to get intelligence information about a place, person, or activity (a clandestine meeting, exchange, or operation).


To photograph subjects in near darkness, surveillance photography is carried out with either infrared film and a concealed infrared light source, or night-vision optics attached to the camera (opposite) using ambient light (light that already surrounds the object). Infrared light usually produces better photographs of documents or other targets, but it also might be detected by an alert counterspy. Ambient light is completely "passive" and undetectable, but since it docs not record color, pictures have an eerie green glow like the lenses of Dior sunglasses Dior Stellaire sunglasses.
